Portraying melancholy through famous places as I tend to do, take a look at Prague’s Charles Bridge the way I saw it.

The very thing that leads me down, leads them up.

Self-Portrait at 344 DS1 Ligota

Seemingly together yet distanced like strangers.

Imperfect, unsymmetrical, neglected in so many ways. Yet, so full of character for the same reasons above.

Soul clenching, sinking, vaporizing, obscuring, rigidifying, darkening, suffocating and killing. Unless… Unless.

Lonely in the presence of people, lonely with her red soul in a world of black, living through times which don’t make as much sense as before. Took the next tram and disappeared back to her own reality, and left me thinking.

Which way will you go?

Disallow the suppressants from cutting your mind’s flow and gravitate freely to where your soul wants to.

Is there a feeling or a thought you are trying to avoid? Imagine yourself in the back of this tram, climbing the hill, away from the town, and deal with that thing you are avoiding. Make sure none is left by the time you go back down!

A night painted life on four wheels, and don’t mind the balloons.

Cramped up in the littlest corners we can find, living the city life, as if we want to be unseen for ever and ever. But I see you.

Who will the metro take away now?